Easy to make and very yum!
You need
150g Pistachio biscotti (Or just plain wine biscuits)
50g Butter
1 can Sweetened condensed milk
125g Cream cheese
(Or 100g Cream cheese + 25g Sour cream)
1t Vanilla paste (or essence)
3 x Mandarins
6-8 ramekins
1 Packet of gelatin
Some hot water
Break up the biscotti and place in food processor

Keep it going until the contents are finely ground.

Next cut up the butter and mix it into the crumbs using your fingers.

Now push into the bottom of ramekins

Add the sweetened condensed milk to a new bowl with the cream cheese (and if ap, sour cream)

Add vanilla to this mix

Then add the juice of 2 mandarins (keep one mandarin aside)

Mix very well, getting out all lumps.

Next dissolve a packet of gelatin in 1/4 cup hot water then mix half of it into the cream mix.

Pour into ramekins, then peel and slice the manderin into thinish slices and use them to garnish

Put in fridge for a few hours

I made some jelly on the side

And when they are set, eat!
